A Day in the Life of a Behavioral Health Technician: Mayra at Adventist HealthCare
Check out a typical day for Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center’s Behavioral Health Services psychiatric technician Mayra Cerritos! ✨
Mayra shares what she does and why she has liked working at this hospital for nearly nine years. If someone has a broken bone, Mayra can look at their x-ray and support them and so much more.
Watch Mayra’s full video on YouTube or TikTok.
Meet Mayra
Meet Mayra
“One of my favorite things about being able to work here are the people are the people you meet as patients…[and] the people that you meet as staff. Many times we end up coming in even on our off days just because of the support that we receive here.”
Mayra Cerritos Gutierrez, Behavioral Health Technician, Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center
Rockville, Maryland
Video Transcription
My name is Mayra Cerritos Gutierrez. I’m a behavioral health technician. Please come with me through my day. So in the mornings when we first come in, we walk in and we are greeted by the staff that are leaving so our ongoing shift, where we receive report about our patients that are currently receiving treatment with us.
Coworker: Okay, so I’m going to give you report for the patient in room 2113. This patient was admitted yesterday.
Mayra: We will get report regarding how they’ve been doing, where they are in their treatment, how many admissions there have been, how many people are planning on getting discharged. Those that are remaining, what their triggers are, how they’ve been doing with medication, as well as how accepting they are of treatment.
Coworker: So have a good shift.
Mayra: Thank you! So we’re on our way to be able to see our first patients we are going to get their vitals and use that for medication and ministering and then we’re going to be able to get started on group how has treatment been going so far for you?
Patient: Going well.
Mayra: Yeah? Everything’s been okay? Have you gotten a chance to be able to contact your family?
Patient: Yeah.
Mayra: I’ve been at Shady Grove for about eight about to be nine years. One of my favorite things about being able to work here are the people are the people you meet as patients [and] are the people that you meet as staff. Many times we end up coming in even on our off days just because of the support that we receive here. So we took our patient’s vitals, everything went well now we’re going to get ready after breakfast, they’re going to have group. What is something that you would like to work on? So goal for the day. If you go to the hospital, and you get a broken arm, I can do an x-ray and I can point to you and say look and people will say oh my God do not lift that arm but how often do we say that to somebody that’s going through depression when they’re isolating when they’re not talking when somebody’s crying and having an anxiety attack we don’t we push and we say just get over it or look how strong your you know so and so is they overcame it why can’t you but in reality it takes a little bit of human touch to acknowledge that all sides of us need to be able to be worked on and no matter what we’re going through we are great and exemplary human beings.
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@joinmdhealth A day in the life as a behavioral health technician, Mayra✨ Mayra shares what she does and why she has liked working at this hospital for nearly nine years. If someone has a broken bone, Mayra can look at their x-ray and support them and so much more. #hospitallife #hospitalcareers #marylandcheck ♬ Good Days – Pete Mac & coldbrew